Tuesday 19 July 2022

Notes on the Universe and Life

Notes on the Universe and Life


The purpose – to introduce the reader to suppositions supporting the monotheistic comprehension of the world.

Why and how:

-             all started with launch of dynamics

-             materialistic formations manifest

-             time and space are characterized including special mission of gravity

-             validate both religious and scientific points of view on the Earth’s age

-             there is only determinism in materialistic environment

-             no quantum phenomenon as uncertainty

-             past-present-future

-             everything secretive becomes clear (in connection with consciousness and spirituality)

-             expansion of the Universe — delusion; substantiation in a new interpretation of Red shift

-             planet Earth takes an exceptional place in the world

-             humans and their tasks are valued

-             spirituality is important for perceiving the world and comprehending purposefulness.

Introduction main theses.

The second part of initial lines from the first chapter of the Holy Gospel of John in the New Testament “All things were made through him (Word), and without him was not any thing made that was made.” is considered an interpretation of the launch by Creator of the world creation realization through the Word as command to action and equally through the Word as the original medium (further used PrimoEnergy = PE) in a localized fragment of which the initiation of dynamics occurs; that is when ALL WERE MADE through HIM.

The created is recognized exclusively in the form of a limited part of original PE (term and abbreviation are engaged in the blog article "Notes about the Universe" of 2012 in a meaning corresponding to the Biblical WORD) and having a limitation of general nature. In this portion – conditionally at its borders – a dynamic process is activated leading towards emergence of elementary objects followed by formation of material structures. At that, the original PE itself is not bound and rests in the state of absolute calm. Trivially, it might be depicted as an unlimited continuum with the specific region yet only in the frames of which the dynamism took place.

In other words, the original PE is viewed as boundless, motionless, unchanging where notions of time and space are not applicable (which procures its inaccessibility for any type of feeling and monitoring) and in which our Universe was formed as its indispensable part. In contrast with the original PE, the materialistic world possesses phenomena of time and space that determine its actual constraints (note: despite such a given portrayal, the Universe may still seem limitless for two major reasons – first is that it indeed is a portion of boundless PE, second is that it is impossible to establish a clear border between them in principle).

As for the global project of the Universe, the dynamics on its creation was launched by the origin directive "In the Beginning was the Word ... All things were made through him." As a result, the development of elementary substances was induced within continuous initiation and corresponding discrete embodiments of the original PE. Being the source of such appearances, it also performs a function of the universal hub for all states and changes associated with the Universe.



Тhe original PE advents of its elementary level incarnations followed by evolvement of complex materialistic forms are supposedly happening in an alternating mode such that the completeness of each gets fixed as a discrete determinant count, itself having no time measure. For convenience, let’s name such a count TAK and describe a transfer from one count to another as basic. With that, evidently a duration between successive TAKs serves as a specificity of variability in respect to the completed at elementary level action. Further, some volume (package) of personifications needs to be considered, for fulfillment of which a certain number of basic counts is engaged. Every concrete volume has a certain speed of the counts’ realization or, in other wording, a frequency of TAKs succession. This parameter, indisputably, plays a key role in determining the total duration of the completed package. Precisely for the terms of some certain volume it is calculated as the product of the established speed for the basic counts and their accomplished amount. The critical factors in further analysis will be a perception of the action’s fulfillment done as a multitude of TAKs and an estimation of the discrete count being a determinant point meaning with absence of interval.

In alternative to the point like nature of individual TAK, the assembly of such states and corresponding transitions from previous to next is associated with the phenomenon of time within which the elementary objects get formed into more complicated configurations, resulting in the launched dynamics. These transitions are interpreted as being one directional and irreversible (a single time vector is inherent not only to separate embodiments and their combinations, but also serves as the foundation of unique global reasonability in the world from the moment of its creation: the Universe is accomplished thanks to the single directionality of the process and there is no measure of its existence without it). Altogether, an exceptionally small interval between successive TAKs is a leading prerequisite both for perception of the time flow as gradual and for the convenience of securing data registration consequential to the equally small volume of performed within one interval actions. Summarizing about the singularity of time, it is worth mentioning once more the cardinal condition of its quintessence through the assembly of TAKs, with each discrete count being considered as having no time feature.

The dynamism via TAKs (where time is absent, yet space is required as the environment of its incarnation with three defining minimal self-sufficient coordinates) presents a registration of successive changes where the PE plays the role of the source of continuous supply and support of the Universe. In capacity of its peculiar limitation could theoretically be an exceptionally small interval between them, the minimum permitted level of which might potentially exist in some functional relation with the Planck constant of infinitesimal value.


The essential for each TAK’s determinism occurs as well in respect to space and consists of the fact that a materialistic formation of any complexity can not be present in different locations at the same moment. This means that any entity takes the only possible spatial position for every discrete count. Providing an absence of impact, an object may steadily exist in an unchanged place within successive transitions under the repeatable stability of determinant states. As an example of not only steadiness, but also of an object’s integrity let’s look at a line protracted on a piece of paper. It may be regarded from the position of states as the horde of dots realized in separate determinants counts due to the absence of time measure in each TAK. Thus, perception of continuity and integrity is resolved via observation of the line within a collection of transitions or in the paradigm of time.


1.   This paradigm becomes a must when it is necessary to assess the duration of some process depending on the volume of discrete counts and the speed of their completion. The analysis of time exclusively as the assembly of TAKs is regarded suitable to events of any length and to formations of any complexity. It is very interesting that such an approach can be employed in relation to two historically contrasting concepts of determining the Earth’s age. Various scientific methods among which the most primary became calculation based on the period of semi-decay of certain chemical elements (the only one used further here, for the sake of deliberative simplicity) give an estimate of around several milliards of years. Yet, the viewpoint among devotees is widespread of the Earth’s age being believed to constitute about 7.5–15 thousands of years based on Sacred Writings, as in the Bible in part of the Genesis. In the latter, its creation is described as accomplished within one of the 6+1 days of the world’s formation.


In accordance with this principal approach, the sequential supposition is to be made that the volume (package) of completed actions both in the first concept and in the second one remains the same, expressed in the equal number of TAKs required to fulfill the task. Suppose in the case religious perception that the package of a “working day” for the Earth’s formation was performed with the corresponding Dr1 period at frequency Fr1 of discrete TAKs, after which it took about 7.5–15 thousands of years (Dr2) with the appropriate for this stretch frequency Fr2. Thus, the overall number of TAKs is determined as Nr = Dr1×Fr1 + Dr2×Fr2. Logically, it must be identical to Ns necessary to accomplishing semi-decay within Ds milliards of years evaluated by the contemporary science. Evidently then Ns = Ds×Fs, where Fs is nominated as the appropriate scientific frequency. Now, it is a principal matter to review the scenario when Fr1 very exceedingly surpasses Fs that entirely corresponds to the religious concept which foreknows the extremely short period to achieve the events of the Earth’s shaping equivalent to the incredibly augmented speed of transition from one discrete state to another. Indeed, based on the Dr1 interval’s shortness (the analogous periods of flora, fauna, and human construction described in the Genesis were of similar tininess), the declarations of Nr = Ns and of the frequency variability appropriate to the corresponding concepts become a natural opportunity to presume the biblical Earth’s age equal: Dr = Dr1 + Dr2 = ~ Dr2 = 7.5–15 thousands of years because Dr1 << Dr2. Consequentially, two points of interpretation – both scientific and religious – have the right for existence from the position of the approach towards time as the assembly of discrete determinant states and accounting for the fact that Fs must be vastly different from Fr1. At that, raising the following questions seems reasonable: how difficult is it to change the TAK frequency at such a scale, and who has the power to do so? From the standpoint of science the answer would most likely engage enormous snags. But for supporters of monotheism, such a question would certainly be a rhetorical one followed by the simple answer that for the Creator of everything in the Universe, such a task is easy to realize.


Hence, this process in the Christian understanding can be interpreted as completeness of a colossal number of TAKs with phenomenal speed within intervals deciphered as 6 “working” and 1 “resting” days. For a tangible demonstration: everything happening in each of those 6 days, if hypothetically transmitted to the contemporary epoch, perhaps, is compatible with the shooting of a film theoretically produced at an enormous frequency of frames and consequentially within the macroscopically tiny period conditionally taken as one “working” day. The principal fact is that a film made in such a fashion must encompass the entirety of information according to the scenario, including all necessary events measured also from the scientific point of view while accounting for the periods of semi-decay. Equally the same would be regarded towards another film of identical scenario which would have been shaped at the frames’ frequency in agreement with the speed of transition from one TAK to another in a manner characteristic of the modern-day era. Likewise, it would have contained altogether data comprising the completed semi-decay, but its production would have taken several milliards of years due to the low rate of recurrence used.


In the capacity of a slight deviation, it seems interesting to note that, in accordance with Sacred Writing, the packages to generate the spectrum of phenomena starting with light/darkness, heavens, stars, Earth, plants/animals world until finally God’s greatest conception comprised one “working” day, meaning being equally worthy time-wise and requiring alike quantity of TAKs. Reasonably the given reading allows to claim that the efforts forming the humans were comparable with the labours to arrange galaxies, black holes, and other cosmic formations filling the Universe. This basically meant that creating humans represented the overwhelmingly complex process demanding a concentration of efforts not less than those spent to fill the Universe with an enormous number of objects, thus underlying the purposefulness of six “working” days’ events in the uniqueness of forming the highest brainy being and the environment of its habitation on the Earth planet. The latest thesis, palpably, supports the position about heliocentrism of the Universe as well as that the remaining activity linked to the appearance of a formidable number of space objects does not bear a significant value in comparison with the actions of creating living entities, first and foremost humans. Moreover, any formations in which life is not engaged indeed cannot present special or any sort of interest for PE, being employed only for the purpose of establishing the stable setting of existence for the chief creature in the world. At that, a quite plausibly one of the tasks for mankind is sustaining a more stable Universe, in which every individuum is offered participation via the given to him cognitive and spiritual functionality in securing the overall harmony. Such an interpretation of priority is also supported by the entire absence in Sacred Writings of arrangement and activity details in reference to the cosmic stuffs, if only for the exception of shortly mentioning their organization in one of the “working” days. From the suggested monotheistic position regarding the Genesis, the sequence of first fauna formation followed by humans’ appearance is considered as being uniquely important. Indeed, the entirety of fauna formation was completed before the stage of people’s erection, coincidental with the mentioned earlier change of the discrete counts. It means, in principle, that the well-known evolution of species theory could not take place, as it should have been otherwise marched through only 7.5–15 thousand years which totally contradicts the claimed duration of milliards of years based on the perceived needed number of semi-decays evaluated by modern science. (For completeness of deliberations, herein it should be noted that the marked by the Genesis seventh “resting” day was chosen for relaxation and contemplation of the preceding six days’ accomplishments; hence within it, no activities were carried out of plausible association with semi-decays. Besides, the seventh day could have been accomplished separately and with the special frequency of TAKs thanks to the lack of activities, which would not contradict the mentioned above ponderings on the duration of the entire period after the sixth day well into our epoch).

It is quite significant that the proposed approach to assess the time flow, which is qualified by the frequency value of TAKs pertaining to some historical stretch, is applicable to the analysis of the cited by the Genesis regression of life length of the very first generations of people as well. In particular, the duration got lowered within 20 generations starting with Adam approximately from 950 years to 175. The depicted difference in length quite possibly has a relation with the functional dependence of the TAKs’ succession frequency in various historic periods, should a life be viewed as the package of actions’ arranged volume tasked to include the human’s activity in accomplishing a certain number of discrete states allied to him. By this a supposition is meant that such a frequency could change quantitatively around 5.5 times within 20 generations. And then, another 2.5 times if the average lifespan of modern humans is taken in account to be about 70 years.

The earlier examined review of time points at its obligatory advent because of the principal infeasibility to perceive a separate determinant state being fixed in space as limitless. So, objects cannot be reachable in the discrete count for the reason of its absence of time measure, but they are subjects for contemplation only when regarded through the TAKs’ assembly and especially clearly once their location does not alter during the surveillance period.  At this point, it is important to underline that any type of investigation via materialistic methods is feasible just in the time mode, which principally requires an observer to possess a dualistic quality of wave (a function of time) and matter. In conclusion about the proposed concept, its main characteristic - besides variability and perception of smoothness - should be highlighted once again: an absence of any dimension in the individual count is determined by the fact that it is a derivative of the original PE (not possessing any physical parameters) of boundary essence before its part is converted into materialistic formations of the elementary level; the phenomenon becomes tangible as a result of the TAK continuum getting moulded. A fundamental condition of the process is its unidirectionality which, in turn, creates one of the elements of that very insurmountable barrier blocking attempts of reverse vectorization to perceive the divine fundamental foundation.

The articulated above has a distinct meaning when the conversation first goes about the process of dynamic personification of the original PE portion as the objects of tiniest forms as the elementary particles. It is fairly evident that the sort of cloud effect of taken by them places is produced when they do not occupy the same position in space at each sequential count. Besides, the efforts towards investigating elementary particles also turn out to be fruitless due to the fact that the experiments using materialistic methodologies cannot secure conditions of sufficient proximity to the individual count, but instead demand assemblies of significantly vaster durations corresponding to the measure of involved instrumentation and experiment’s length. These are indeed two major reasons for the simplest units, determinant (with initial certainty concerning an unambiguously single and unchanging interpretation of the original PE incarnations same as for any divine manifestations) in each TAK, to become reflected in the shape of clouds comprising their numerous discrete positions taken during research. In practice, this gives ground to affirm that the non-determinism associated with the used by science quantum postulate is not more than a delusion due to the absence in the individual count of other forms of physical condition except for the determinant one. In other words, there is everywhere and always in our Universe a certainty of the definite registration essence ensured by the non-measurable TAKs, which means a certain void of the quantum phenomenon as uncertainty. Yet undoubtedly, there are mathematical methods simply having a relation with statistical approaches to study the cloud products depicted in the experiments.


2.   Returning to the topic of organizing an environment for humans’ habitation on a planet of such complex arrangement as the Earth and simultaneously to the theme touched upon in the early version of this blog of 2012, it could be interesting to ponder about a special mission of the gravitation phenomenon (as functionality of PE in the form of elasticity), which continues to remain the enigmatic one for science. The peculiarity of gravitation, perhaps, consists of its necessity specifically for the Earth where it could play the exceptional role in keeping on and near its surface the formations of various uniformities and in providing their movement at the same time. Beyond that, this phenomenon might be the instrument of objects’ identification, particularly for their orientation in space (in similarity to other effects also reflecting the PE dynamism like, for example, magnetism or weak forces).


The elasticity is an integral quality of PE. It is felt the most in settings where there is a significant movement of objects. Therefore, the elasticity’s existence is professed as a hugely significant circumstance of providing plausible sustenance to the Universe’ global stability. A similar point of view was presented within the frames of the discussion covering the theme of steadiness when this blog was launched in 2012. Herein, it is indispensable to highlight that the Universe is regarded as keeping its fundamental constancy for the reason of permanent affirmation of always being tangible. To ensure that, it is plausibly formed as the net where black holes are employed as the core nodes securing the limitation of global upsurges. Thus, precisely the elasticity (yet, not something fictitious like dark matter/energy) serves as the most credible candidate to warrant stability of such an intricate system as the Earth is. Moreover, the PE may possess elasticity in the capacity and functionality of maintaining our world together and restricting it from too much of fluctuations, expansion, or excessive compression.


3.   In support of the supposition about the impossibility of superfluous variations of grand scale in the Universe, it is necessary to give an assessment of the concept much promoted by modern science of its expansion, even at a constantly increasing speed. For that at first, there is a need to theoretically analyze the advertised at the beginning of this very article hypotheses followed by a practical scrutiny of the idea about progressing enlargement. Resultantly, the following are served as the two most weighty reasons for impossibility of continuous expansion: the suggested thesis about the limitation of the Universe within the original PE, and the violation of the proposition about determinant realization of TAK counts, in which the state of objects and information about them should get fixed in PE. In addition to these contemplations, let’s try the method of in-reverse critical review, which sets the hypothetical proposition about the Universe’s expansion followed by the rhetorical question: do the imaginary dark energy, the observed black holes, the planets, the relic radiation also expand? The answer is “Not at all”, and science does not even attempt to provide justifications in reference to that, such that the resume is obvious: nothing could have escaped the global process of enlargement should it exist because it is not selective regarding distances only, which means that it is non-existent in the absence of any sort of data about expansion of cosmic objects themselves, like our planet or visible stars. The unattractive side of employing unsubstantiated terms like dark matter/energy is the necessity to constantly introduce new, even more extravagant values and names also unconfirmed.


From a practical aspect it is interesting to note that the relatively recent beginning of the dark energy term’s usage was dictated exactly by a need to settle some obvious scientific discrepancies in liaison with the observed during astronomical experiments red shifts of light spectrum and the so-called enlargement of the Universe. In order to be more concerned about the suggested by the modern tactic interpretation of the red shifts, let’s try to rethink one of many descriptions of universal growth, for example as seen on Wikipedia: “The expansion of the universe is an intrinsic expansion whereby the scale of space itself changes. The universe does not expand "into" anything and does not require space to exist "outside" it. This expansion involves neither space nor objects in space "moving" in a traditional sense, but rather it is the metric (which governs the size and geometry of spacetime itself) that changes in scale. As the spatial part of the universe's spacetime metric increases in scale, objects become more distant from one another at ever-increasing speeds.” … Well, instead of attempting to decipher such an intricate and intertwined collage of evocative wordings let’s concentrate on another, this time clearly pragmatic, wiki clarification: “In physics, a redshift is an increase in the wavelength, and corresponding decrease in the frequency and photon energy, of electromagnetic radiation (such as light)”. Upon taking the latter for a factual description, there is a need to consequently have a closer look at the light itself in reference to the redshift phenomenon while linking it to the sequential registration of light signals in the paradigm of TAK collections.


Such a vision indeed prompts the following affirmation: at the consecutive registration of light, a new assembly of the observed TAKs reflects the redshift manifestation being produced exclusively due to the added time = each registration is becoming “elder”. The supplementary period for the case of receiving light from distant cosmic objects works in the same manner as if it were lengthened in distance. In essence, such a redshift effect must be treated only in comparison with the time point of previous observation completeness when the same light is detected anew yet within an extra period, thus artificially making its wavelength longer. Contrary to this affirmation, apparently, the redshifts were mistakenly linked from the beginning of observations in the early years of the 20th century to the well-known Doppler effect in the sense of a seeming similarity regarding recorded sound versus changing distance. Therefore, it looks like a mistake was concealed in the obvious fact that the essence of light is very different from that of sound, thus the changing distance plays a role exclusively in the Doppler effect most evidently demonstrated with sound.


In elaboration: the redshifts produced during consecutive registrations of light reflect the change-of-state principally in time, yet also in the paradigm of general intertwining with the location in space, which cardinally remains stable. In other words, the very sequence of light observations by the distant recipient is self-sufficient for producing redshifts – the time interval between two fixations rather than distance variation is immensely more important to get that phenomenon evoked. Hence, a comparison of data always reproduces “the passing of time” and new stages, which determine the redshifts’ presence due to the natural necessity of performing registrations from one period of measurements to another. Re-iterating as the imperative point: the total number of performed TAKs during observation of the same light signal from the same body becomes the prerequisite factor for the phenomenon’s existence. Because of the addition of a new interval to the preceding ones, naturally, the relevant extent (factor of time!) in the form of fulfilled discrete counts always grows, which still continues to be regarded by the modern science as an increase in span (factor of space!). Let’s highlight once again that, apparently, due to the tempting analogy with the acoustic Doppler effect the prime dependence on time rather than on space was omitted originally.


To prolong deliberations about characteristics of light, it must be reiterated that its basic function is in performing transmission of information about the source of a signal – which is a materialistic entity, thus having constraints in time and space. Together with the thesis about confines of the Universe, it is logical to suppose that both presented above circumstances of the bindings have an ordinary relation with the limit of spreading light speed (a permanence of the light waves’ velocity might serve here as a confirmation of presence of an independent entity like PE, by means of which such transmitting is achieved). Obviously, speed has an intrinsic relation, by its definition, with time. On the other hand, it was mentioned earlier that time appears as a measure per assembly of discreet deterministic ТАКs, in which the embodiment of all materialistic forms’ variety is achieved. Evidently, accomplishing certain work-package counts is realized with an adequate frequency. Then logically, there should certainly be some upper barrier of such a frequency for the reason of the impossibility of reaching an ultimate disappearance of intervals between TAKs.


Thus, the above considerations were in respect to two phenomena, namely light and TAK counts – both of time functionality, yet importantly both having some upper barrier. Sequentially, a link between the light speed as the fastest possible measure in the Universe and the apparent TAK frequency uppermost limit could, therefore, be suggested, which might probably be rephrased as the following: the registration of changes in the form of light is not feasible to perform in the materialistic world faster then it is permissible by the limit in capacity of the minimum allowed duration of transition between two successive TAKs. Successively, involvement of the well-established Planck constant might also be envisaged in respect to the potential relation between the two phenomena. To finalize such evocative consideration about a possible link, let’s deliberate on the comparison table below.

4.   Upon presenting so far a substantial number of ponderings, it is quite reasonable now to propose why the original PE remains and will always be impenetrable to materialistic style attempts of acquiring knowledge about it: the first cardinal block is the progression of TAK itself where any activity gets successively realized through determinant counts and first becomes tangible as the discrete moment of reality, then preserved for analysis as information which – crucially – is just stored in PE yet does not qualify it; second is the absence of time measure either in the realm of original PE or in the determinant TAK; the third barrier is the infinitesimal measure of count intervals not attainable by any materialistic methods as any of them requires assemblies of TAKs for its achievement. This statement is considered true regarding the materialistic means of such efforts. On the other hand, there are live formations with dichotomy, in which the non-materialistic qualities are related to one of its components. A human being, as the champion of duality, may simply employ his/her spiritual abilities (of wave nature) to manage another path to PE, namely via exercises directly compatible with the PE environment, namely by not employing his/her materialistic component. Interestingly, this superior product of living forms could be considered for some level of admission to the PE depending on the individual’s preparedness thus allowing him/her to overcome otherwise non-manageable blocks based on specific capacities of devotion.


As for the role of researcher, it is to uphold that exactly to the greatest creation is granted the capability to classify events fulfilled via determinant states in respect to the happened past or the projected future. Manifestly, the time analysis, including the abstract one, is plausible in the mode of already available permanently affixed information, but not like the one represented by each individual TAK of reality. When adopting the thesis that data about everything are reflected in PE, it is reasonable to suggest execution of their scrutiny by a human also in the PE environment itself (for exemplary perceptibility let’s imagine it in the form of a school blackboard, which contains both data and means required to perform and save all calculations, with the school chalk as cognition playing the role of instrument to enter the initial settings for the blackboard to carry out examination) especially if taking into account the extraordinary effectiveness and low energy expenditures of cognitive processes.


As was mentioned earlier, perhaps, a human – depending on individual preparedness – may have access to PE information of a higher level besides the already accomplished events. However, the fact of obtaining admittance by an individual, who possesses special qualifications, to a tangible knowledge, for example to a discovery of some world law, does not alter an essence and an existence of the law itself – so prior to the moment of its declaration as after it – which means that the knowledge resides in the PE independently and always. Consecutively, it is evident that any analysis is accompanied by the array of psychological emotions associated with proceedings, which also become part of the accessible for use data base. In the capacity of additional confirmations of the fact that processing of any cognitive message happens in the PE: first acts the speed of its execution, which might be practically almost instantaneous or grandiosely higher in comparison to the speed of light – a principle that is ideally compatible with the capability of voiding any measure in the PE; and second the circumstance of complete sufficiency of data characterizing both the investigated object and the phenomena relevant to it. Considering the abovementioned, a participant in actions factually lacking the full spectrum of required knowledges serves as a weighty confirmation of the exceptional functionality and universal capacities of the PE in the role of “blackboard”. For example, a typical sportsman almost immediately determines a ball’s behaviour, though not because of his conscience containing extensive information about materials, air pressure, aerodynamics, and other attributes of its movement trajectory, but rather due to the potential to instantaneously synthesize data if they both exist and are processed in the same environment of limitless capabilities archetypal to the PE. For another distinctive example, it is thought suitable to observe a first impression while meeting a stranger when the information about him/her is still unavailable, even though the impression is getting shaped seemingly formed on the basis of already existing emotions linked to previous estimations of the stranger by others and to confirmed experience of alike valuations – such information of emotional ranking most likely could be located only immediately in the PE.


In continuation of the discussion on the absence of measure in the PE: there is a reality sequential to the determinant state in each TAK, and there exists linked to them a specific timely sequence of the past-present-future. In other words, there subsists an execution of discrete counts distinguished by preservation of any object or phenomenon’s status, while also works the mechanism of their equivalencing with time, appearing once the multitude of such TAKs is regarded via the PE. Time is a product of their assembly, in which the present is determined as the momentary reality in the current discrete count, and the past is shaped through the information about everything that is liaised with completed ones. In turn, the future TAKs should be fulfilled oriented conditional on the purposefulness and in accordance with the most plausible conscientious choice. Thus, objects’ reality is embodied via discreteness of counts while time manifests itself as a phenomenon linking the current TAK with the past one. In addition to the point expressed above, it is pertinent to affirm the impossibility of any kind of attempts to influence the past as it becomes upon execution of TAK preserved in unchanged form. This should be qualified, in a cognitive sense, as an irreversible transformation of the preceding determinant state into an information component becoming immediately accessible by the PE.


As for the highest-ranking representatives of living formations, perhaps, their primary distinguished distinctiveness is the granted to them capability of cognitive activity in the PE environment. Moreover, it is quite reasonable to accept that a sense of time phenomenon is needed because of the advent of life, so as to perform tracking of TAK events through sensing the world by people equipped with the appropriate to them abstract analysis. This thesis is tightly linked with a widespread claim that everything is united and kept around the living substance headed by humans as the principal aim in the program of creating the materialistic Universe and that our planet was formed with a singular thoughtfulness while being designed, adapted, adjusted, and synchronized in tune with the humans’ harmonics, thus providing to them favourable development conditions for successful accomplishment of their mission. Also let’s try presuming that there is no necessity in time for non-living formations, but only the occurrence of determinant TAK succession becomes self-sufficient to sustain existence of the reality; in such logic, this phenomenon supposedly begins to surface simultaneously with the living formations of precisely the type being capable, in principle, to recognize this singularity. At this, it should be mentioned once again that two types of communication with the PE are indispensable precisely to humans: the first one – via the mechanism of TAK while possessing a materialistic component; second – immediately through the component of the dualistic of wave-like nature, which gives straight and most effective access to it. Evidently, the first kind is not just overly non-productive, but also fairly false (a serious danger regarding wrongness consists of the fact that usage of only the TAK mechanism is taken by an individual – especially for a contemporary one – as satisfactory in the capacity of being absolutely sufficient). Then indubitably, choosing an admittance method to the PE is viewed as exceptionally important for humans – though conditional on their preparedness, which becomes key for effectiveness, to execute exactly the non-materialistic constituent of dichotomy. The higher a qualification the more it is allowed to use, via cognition as well as spirituality, information components and even to elaborate their derivatives; however – it must be underlined once again – without a slightest probability of influencing stored in the PE data because of their invariability and distinctiveness.


In continuation of the topic of qualifying living formations, it should be noted that the most important feature in respect to their top creation is seemingly the granted capacity of consciousness in choosing either acceptance or denial of some data in the PE, for example related to harmony in the world or behaviour by commandments. A mechanism of preliminary checking with information in the PE in relevance to options for to be selected decisions, apparently, is also associated with homo sapiens, which is defined as awareness. On top of that, it is necessary to underline that the idea of irrationality of conscientious choice is the utmost significant aspect of humans: this is regarding a cognitive activity where the indeterminacy of deliberated decisions in the mode of weighing “pro” and “con”, in alternating conditions and purposefulness, in swaying between denial-neutrality-confirmation – all is relevant to compare with the role of wave phase quality, which is inseparably important to absorbing information and practically manifested in the spectrum of such capacities as change of direction and shape, transition between minimum-maximum values, periods of “-” negative and “+” positive numbers (subsequently all the enumerated wave traits are seen as ideally suitable for reading and interpretation of data about objects themselves as well about their conditions). The cited above suggests a principal supposition that the wave component is unequivocally indispensable for analysis by living formations together with the applications of both impersonal and acquired experience in the styles of both unconscientious and thought-out choice.


5.   While expanding the discussion on wave particularities, it is necessary to again outline that this is one of the oscillation forms, which contains an information component in relevance to the object generating it. Based on this and on the wave’s specifics regarding one element of dichotomy, an objective guess can be presented that certain kinds of oscillation bear reasoning and logical load. At that, both reason and logic might be originally inserted into the PE so as to have the opportunity to consult them in a wave-like fashion when making decisions. Herein, it seems relevant to present lines from the first chapter of the Holy Gospel of John in the New Testament “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men ...” and to look at the Word not only as the prime origin (which sounds like the definition of the PE used in this article), but also with supposition of the incarnated meaning expansion: presuming that in the first part "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God ..." it is primarily about stating a constancy of the Divine environment as an incomprehensible, boundless, and immeasurable fundamental foundation in the background of any action absence while in the second part "All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men ..." about possible initiation in some limited area of this environment of the world creation in form of the Universe termed ALL THINGS: that is, attaining the moment when ALL THINGS – pertaining to the Universe together with man and life – WERE MADE (emerged) through HIM (WORD). Thus, in the message "All things were made through him ..." a dynamism is initiated in the form of oscillations with personification of the PE in materialistic formations as the purposefulness to implement the Creator’s plan. The plan is in the Word, which has no time and space, and there is a path to it via double-component (soul and body) arrangement, yet only for those special ones whose wave element is harmonically tuned to this route.


As for the phenomenon of oscillations in general and in the materialistic realm as well, they can be of various kinds up to chaotic ones potentially leading to disruption of complex structures’ stability. For that reason, the character of dynamism in the Universe system should be harmonic for the purpose of sustaining a steady environment to realize the global plan. As was mentioned before, the role of medium for this task is supposedly assigned to humans capable to participate in containing dangerous disturbances. In this aspect, an important addition to the dynamism’s embodiment is the circumstance that all activity is governed by the PE through registration of discrete TAKs. In general, the cornerstone scenario of PE functionality is executed this way and in the form of providing knowledge about everything in the Universe (all that is secretive becomes clear!) yet not due to performed actions, but as an unconditional supply of information, consecutively secured and being always accessible in the PE, about the state in each count.


A closing assumption about the origin directive and the following dynamism may be expressed as the project to make natal a special world construction for humans’ self-realization. It seems, based on historic experience, that such a project would exist until the moment of losing the competence of conscientious choice coinciding with purposefulness from the Creator; namely, it will be ceased if a final incompetence of the project’s protagonist is confirmed. In a practical sense, this might happen because of contemporary destruction aimed at disbalancing the wave-like nature adaptive capabilities of humans to perceive the whole PE spectrum and simply limiting understanding to the narrow strip linked exclusively to materialism and a falsified view of self-sufficiency of exploitative usage. Such destructive disbalancing certainly leads towards a loss of the major spiritual component of dichotomy, such that the world stops being beautiful and halts tuning toward accomplishing the mission. Therefore, a human ought to remain in constant unison with the PE, where the role of tuning fork ought to be played by striving for realization of one’s own destiny via opportunities of wave quality harmonization through spirituality and faith. On the contrary, the modern persistent replacement of the unison with disharmony leads to conversion first into cacophony, then to a final stoppage of the entire enterprise.


In addition to debates about the importance of wave characteristics and their demonstrations, there should be considered an idea of necessity in the light phenomenon yet not only in the capacity of being a basic function to provide information, but also for mutual contemplation while taking into account that the nature of light is exactly a manifestation and means of reaction of the PE to events where the launched procedure of dynamism is materialized in objects having a wave component. Continuing this line of thought, it is logical to suggest a likelihood of contemplation by God a formation of world as the Universe as well via His highest creations who are granted both duality and opportunity of two-way connections working effectively under a condition of compliance to the prescribed directives of behaviour and scale of values, which, once followed, lead toward execution of the mission to approach God within one’s lifespan. Attentive reading and comprehension of these rules clearly shows that they are created in the non-materialistic environment and are given to humans, which – due to their materialistic essence – could not themselves procure them. Logically, homo sapiens are the manifestation of God’s willpower, being supplied with proper instructions for best applications. God has arranged for them a chance to exist and feel Him, with Him existing eternally everywhere via their nature of dichotomy. Commandments are the only unique means to ultimately be accepted by God while strictly abiding to the prescribed rules. When on this path, humans can be given the utmost revelation in the form of love (or rather through love). To a believer it is natural to regularly appeal to God with implores and prayers in unity with singular events like acquiring revelations. And herein, it is relevant to imagine that God, perhaps, is not taking immediate part in every occurrence in the materialistic world, but simply has overall information about the past, present, and future by means of fulfilled and registered TAKs. Taking into account possession of the entirety of data, it would be correct, from such an aspect, to pay attention to the exceptional importance of relentless appeals to God in the form of prayers and implores both personal and collective so as to be heard in time. It is very important to remember that at the end of a person's life there are only two options for the way forward - either to heaven or to hell - this is the cardinal agenda for any and that there is no neutral solution; therefore, the privilege to appear in the world cannot be converted in any way after the designated moment into an intermediate state, but anybody would have to unequivocally take one of the two places appointed from above according to the turned-out. Everyone should think about spirituality and decide as soon as possible on the choice such that to manage in time earning the favor of God and not be sent there where the grinding of teeth stands in eternal torment.


Let’s note as another interesting point regarding the scale of values that various cognitive and spiritual activities of people seemingly go through a preliminary gradation in accordance with the prescribed rules. This means that the PE’s information about any condition, event, or object engages an estimation by ruler from bad to good well before it is presented to humans for the purpose of forming their own position. Thus, an initial categorization is viewed as foreseeing criteria for communication and giving to the individuum an opportunity to assess the level of righteousness of perceived by them conditions, events, or objects.


Prolonging the theme of communication with the PE, note that it is seen as fulfilled via the cognitively sensorial apparatus of the mind (of brain physicality), whereas the function of tuning it is taken care of by the apparatus of soul, equipped for this purpose with mechanisms on the soul-spirit level like emotions, desires, passions, etc. (of heart physicality by which, perhaps, the identification of a human’s individuality is formed), and while the communication products become outputs like habits, intuitions, beliefs, etc. (of dual mind and heart physicality). Considering that cognitive processes including abstract thinking are performed at a virtually unlimited speed, it is logical to affirm that they are taking place in the environment where a measure of time is not applicable, or precisely in the original PE environment. Another supporting aspect for such a supposition may be viewed as the well-known fact that the brain is characterized by phenomenal energy efficiency, seemingly achievable because all cognitive operations are performed precisely in that realm. Moreover, the most energetically effective activity, apparently, is achieved via harmony where categories of non-materialistic nature like beauty, kindness, and love are thought as exceptionally valuable as they allow humans to achieve the highest forms of self-realization.


Viewed as one of the most delicate aspects of cognitive work, the significance ought to be noted in sustaining a precision of harmony with the PE that undoubtedly is extremely sensitive and, in practice, might be subjected to changes or even to disbalancing (for example to brain damage). As for alterations, they may be executed by substituting brain capacity for analysis and direct connectivity to the PE’s realm by manipulation through procreating transformed images of the genuine information stored there. The real danger is that falsified images deceptively become a new dominion of data also stored in PE and are often destined for improper consumption. The severity of such a detrimental process lies not only in consumption of fakes by the corresponding to historical epoch contemporary generation, yet also in inevitability of high risk for future generations with newborns starting to absorb them from their very first moments of life. This is a cumulative process regretfully leading to mankind inevitably extinguishing itself. The avalanche-like speed of manipulations nowadays strongly suggests that our ancestors were much wiser in preserving their brains by profoundly adhering to religions thus enabling cardinal historical events to happen in the designated eras and in accordance with the assigned purposes. In reference to the above, the impression is that it does not feel too surprising because major religious works were composed specifically many years ago thanks to a presentiment of the forthcoming atrophy of awareness in the next generations and a realization of the coming massive incapacity of genuine appraisal of the world and God. Besides degradation of cognitive and spiritual features through excessive implication in materialism, attempts to produce a man artificially should also be ranked as dangerous for his integrity, namely by replacing the divine participation of the PE. In summary, it should be remembered that the uniqueness of every individuum’s manifestation in the world is intertwined with granting him individual capabilities for communication with the PE.




To finalize the article, it is proposed to pay attention to the monotheism, adopted through commandments by Judaism followed by development in Christianity and in Islam. Evidently, monotheism could get established as a global vision in the world only by a certain historical period of mankind’s advance, when it became ripe and ready to adequately assess and accept proceedings of extraordinary significance. It seems that the somewhat later arrival of a new comprehension of the world’s construction would have also been impossible because of a radical change in people’s consciences influenced by the rise of materialistic impact on their environment and mutual relations.


The fate-bearing factor of monotheism’s enrooting became the manifestation of God to mankind accomplished with a phenomenal historical result. In essence, this way an acknowledgement of God as Creator of the Universe was finalized. At the same time, the laws and purposefulness professing the guidance to a human to achieving his well-being and salvation through faith were affirmed.