Saturday, 4 February 2012

Notes about the Universe

Notes about the Universe

(should be considered as early contemplation, not the basis for the subsequent article of almost the same title “Notes about the Universe and Life”)



This article is composed of two sections. In its first, a generalized model of the universe is offered based on two hypotheses and one interpretation:


-       clause about sole character and two forms of existence of everything;

-       concept, alternative to Big Bang;

-       elementary version of gravity.


The second section is focused on aspects of life and destiny of humans.


The inspiring event to start sharing reasoning on the topic happened to be reading the paragraph of work “The Accidental Universe” in Harper’s Magazine (, Dec. 2011). There, string theory was mentioned based on vibrations as specific kind of phenomenon of fluctuations. The author of present article has been encouraged by this fact as he used the very phenomenon, but in its wide meaning, in his considerations.


However, the article’s presumptions and conclusions divert from both string theory and the widespread expert theories of scientific research of the universe. In particular, they contrast the theses of the multiverse, of the accelerating expansion of the universe, and others supporting the Big Bang.


In wrapping up the introduction, the author would like to air a question, which could presumably put the legitimacy of the multiverse concept in doubt. To be precise: if there are relations between the real existence of our universe and us (people), those who think about it while belonging to it, then we should not have an opportunity to think about other universes due to our non-belonging to them.





As the departing point, the ancient philosophical phrase that everything gets reflected in all as everything is part of all is engaged. For modeling, the material objects’ feature of having their own oscillation forms and being in various modes of oscillation in general is used as the specially conditioned reflection on the universe. Further, the universe is viewed as consisting of a universal fluctuating substance as a system.


Following are the special conditions:

1.     the only possible substance, in the nature of primary element, (there is no “dark matter”, no “dark energy”, no any other kind of substance), oscillates;

2.      the primary element (further “PrimoElement” = Divine environment WORD) can be in two states: original and concentrated (changed); each of them has its own hierarchy;

3.      material objects and phenomena are varieties of PrimoElement’s concentrated state for which, contrary to its original one, behavioral limitations instantaneously appear once the effect of concentration takes place;

4.      oscillations of PrimoElement in the universe occur around particular localities (in respect to mechanical systems such places are nodal points);

5.      black holes serve as nodal points for the oscillating universe;

Some of the topics that are suggested for dialog about the mentioned above:

a)     explanation of the increasing speeds of cosmic objects that move apart without employing the thesis about the expanding universe and the Big Bang;

b)      scientific micro-level studies, which include the physics of weak forces, as descriptions of variable phases of PrimoElement’s transition from its primary into its concentrated form;

c)      live entities and the fluctuations of the sole universal substance.



Part I

Astrophysicists’ modern observations of the cosmos propose a description of black holes as formations in which “everything, including light, disappears”. If the wording “everything disappears” is revised to “nothing happens spatially” then black holes might obviously be imagined as some nodal points of oscillations characterized by complete stillness in their vicinities.


For a simple example, consider the system of oscillating rod. It is not difficult to notice that spatial changes do not occur in the narrowly localized regions (nodal points symbolized by fat circles on the schematic above). The marked regions, typical for mechanical systems, suit black holes’ behaviour quite well in the view that everything that gets in close proximity to their centres stands still.

In respect to scientific research, these regions have to correspond to the description of being inaccessible because astrophysicists’ observations of them are conducted via the registration of waves including light. Waves are understood herein as the limited by speed transfer via original PrimoElement. The transfer is evoked by the materialized formations’ changes. Taking this into account, the absence of waves’ registration in the directions from black holes seems possible and natural due to the motionlessness of the latters. This is to say that black holes as regions where there are no changes should not be sources of emanation. (As another example of non-emitting objects, the clamped-style materialized entities that, according to the author’s view, are supposed to exist in the state of assumed minimal lull could probably serve. This minimal lull should be such that the clamped stuff does not have an opportunity to release waves. Such formations ( are detected by the microlensing method and are regarded by science to be in the range of so-called “dark matter”. Besides, perhaps the given by scientific observatories pictures of deep space showing alternation of brightness-emitting and absolutely black zones ( also become comprehensible: the bright zones radiate because of active processes there, but it is impossible to register something via the waves from the black zones owing to the absence of materialized formations in them).

            The even more significant fact stemming from the nature of oscillation of any system is that some of its points, for example, B and C (see same schematic above), have to always be viewed from point A as constantly moving away from each other. This is because the speed of point C is always in phase with point B and permanently exceeds point B’s speed. Such permanency in relationships is explained by the feature of oscillating movement when some zones of the system continually and in the same direction travel larger distances compared to other zones depending on their positions relative to nodal points and places of maximum amplitudes. This phenomenon, in general, clarifies why there are space objects registered from certain spot of an oscillating system (for example from planet Earth) as having augmenting speeds and at the same time constantly distancing from one another. In other words, this is not continuous distancing, but only fluctuations.

            Sequentially to such an explanation, the overall statement of nonexistence of the universe’s expansion is suggested. Then, it is thought it would be logical to also say that the Big Bang did not occur: with the absence of expansion of the universe, viewed as a self-sustaining system, apparently there is no critical necessity for such an event. That is, everything, having the original PrimoElement for a basis, was created as permanently wavering, yet not as a result of the Big Bang. Besides, it is no longer required as well to introduce some extra terms of “dark matter” and “dark energy” types and concepts, according to which the first one is obliged to stretch the universe, but the second – to hold it together. The reason for this non-necessity lies in the uniqueness of the fluctuation feature embodying in it both the capacities of stretching and keeping motion boundaries.

When talking about oscillations of PrimoElement, viewed as the only substance of the universe, it should be relevant to note that many cultures during virtually all of the history of mankind had and still bear definitions similar to that of the proposed original PrimoElement reflected in terms like “aura”, “QI energy”, “kundalini”, and many others.

In addition to the observations, perceptions, and ideas of the preceding and modern generations, the functionality of the original substance is further offered. In practical terms, it is regarded that PrimoElement converts a portion of itself from original into concentrated form in the process of its global fluctuations. At the same time, the possible variations of transformation conditions, probably, determine the variety of the material world’s forms. It is envisaged that the conversion invokes the origination of properties like mass, volume, charge, and gravitation with characteristics known as the material world’s laws which determine behavioural limitations. All at once, it is regarded that the original PrimoElement does not obey behavioral limits yet has to function in line with: “all is equally accessible everywhere to everything, but only until the moment when the primary substance gets changed in the process of the localized concentration of some part of its own”.

            In respect to behavioral limitations, the justification of the lately presumed registration of the Higgs boson as an attempt of scientific intrusion into the initial conversion phase (where the principle of uncertainty prevails) is considered to be relevant. Sequentially, the other, progressively discovered by scientists, fundamental particles could signify the more shaped formations belonging to the following after initial one phases and taking part in creating myriads of higher-level materialized structures.


Moreover, deliberating in general terms about gravitation, the following might become one of its simplest interpretations originating from the hypothesis of the materialized entity as a concentration of something uniformly primary. If the PrimoElement is imagined as a flexible fabric then the process of its localization, or compression in limited localities, is regarded as leading to generating stretching within areas between the fabric’s condensed zones. Keeping in mind the above envisaging, the mysterious force that holds everything in space together could possibly be “elasticity” of PrimoElement. (By the way, a presence of the transfer limit of materialized changes rate serves as strong evidence of the very existence of the universal substance, through which this - light waves - distribution is carried out; that is, with respect to physics properties, the original PE can’t pass information about such changes at a different rate.)


Sequential to this proposal, materialized formations are regarded to be surrounded by the original substance being in a state of elastic pull (which, in principle, causes the known deviation of characteristics of the light near the major formations) that gets diminished the further it is from the object’s center. Given this, for example, there should be equilibriums of elastic influence within the section found to be situated in between some quite distant from each other arbitrary entities (and outside their centered zones of effective stretching). This means that a random object that happened to be at that section could move indeed without experiencing any influence until it would reach one of the elastic zones.

By analogy with fabric, it is obvious that the more PrimoElement is compressed the more palpable the mutual pull by the localizations gets. Similarly, the further apart the objects of local compression are, the feebler the effect of elastic stretching becomes.

            Interestingly, this description seems to correspond quite well to the familiar formula:

F = G x (M1 x M2) / R2,          where R – the distance between localities, M1 and M2 – measures of concentration, while G – PrimoElement’s elasticity.

            One more tendency marked in the latest scientific publications is observed as valuable in respect to the idea of the concentration. The talking is about the growing number of registered stars. This tendency is viewed as logical if it is imagined that the tempo of the original PrimoElement’s transition is of a nonlinear type in the sense that any already materialized share might involve even more portions of virgin substance into the process.

Pondering about the transformation, it should be noted that its character has not to be one-sided even in the case of the process’ linearity. In other words, there has to be some reversal mechanism for a self-sustained system that would bring the ratio of the original concentrated PrimoElement to its derivative to some reasonably stable level. To answer this call, the visualization may possibly be employed that the very same black holes seemingly may play the role of such centers where portions of materialized entities get re-converted (annihilated) into the original state. This kind of hypothesis, thus, theoretically makes herein black holes look like bearing dual function: the nodal points of global swings and the salvage plants of materialized objects.

At this, the mentioned-earlier assertion of everything being in continuous motion could serve as a sufficient condition for the re-conversion’s realization. In such a case, the considerations are related to getting materialized structures eventually delivered to black holes. The significance of wave-like movement in organizing such delivery is in the capability of the system’s fluctuations to stimulate the propulsion of a certain part of the system’s overall substance within its bulk. Let’s regard the following as a simple example. Imagine a volume of sand within which there is a clamped chunk of the same sand. In order to make the clamped chunk move through the sand in the absence of an external force applied to the chunk, it may be quite efficient to get the volume of sand fluctuating in a shake-like fashion. Notably, if the shakings (of a reasonable level) are random then the clamped chunk is expected to get propelled through the sand in such way that it eventually finds itself in the location corresponding to the lowest element level within the volume. By analogy, black holes, treated as being where “nothing is happening”, could also have the status of the least energetic localities of a vacuum type towards which the space objects are flowing; first of all the objects of a low concentration rate.

The most vivid support to such an understanding may be cast by the latest scientifically registered giant gas (i.e. “weakly concentrated”) cloud slowly but surely moving towards a black hole, dubbed Sagittarius A, with the expected rendezvous  to happen in 2013 ( Another relevant case, theoretically, could be the binary system formed by the star and black hole observed and designated as IGR J17091-3624. The following is the concept for systems like that: a not powerful enough in terms of vacuum capability black hole is engaging a large star in the process of slow yet methodical annihilation of the latter.

In wrapping up the first part, the author wanted to make an essential for passing onto the second part remark: that the original PrimoElement, contrary to its materialized state, most likely should not be accessible for detection by scientific tools and methods, thus implying that it may be felt only by distinct structures equipped with specialized and tuned to it sensors. Live entities are understood to be such structures.


Part II

This article’s hypothesis about the only possible functionality of the universe being fluctuating brings us to contemplations about the basic condition of its permanence. The criterion to secure durability is viewed as the elimination of destabilizing oscillation regimes at the expense of getting harmonized movements sustained.

It is important to fulfilling this condition to keep in mind that the stability of oscillating systems is directly dependent on how they are balanced, which is frequently determined by the proportionality of the spatial distribution of its components. As for such proportionality of distribution in the universe, the question of controlling conversions of the original PrimoElement, perhaps, should be regarded as of paramount importance.

Its significance stems from the earlier given idea about the primary universal substance in which regions of its materialized form are present. Precisely: the very materialization is viewed in the context of the process capable to bring in instability into fluctuations of PrimoElement. This is particularly vital if the conversion process begets an overly chaotic way of distribution since unevenness, as a rule, is regarded to be one of the main factors that cause imbalance to occur in any system. Therefore, in order to secure the universe’s stability through harmonization of movement, the major task potentially would become the reduction of the level or total elimination of the negative phenomenon of imbalance.

Knowledge about oscillating mechanical systems suggests that the destructive effect of imbalance may still be sizable even if the chaotically distributed components make up only an insignificant portion of such a system’s whole. Applying such experience to the universe, it is thought possible to regard the goal of preventing imbalance as quite important when its concentrated part (of about 5% according to some indirect scientific evaluations) is arranged unfavorably for the harmonized manner of fluctuations.

In a continuation of the topic of separate materialized components’ value, the following suggestion seems realistic to make. It is about the role of the very small on a galactic scale object Earth in the universal fluctuating movement. It is known for a fact that complex mechanical structures often contain critical points, called in machinery “points of balancing weights”, the tuning of which largely determines the state of motion of everything belonging to the entire structure. By analogy, taking into account the dual nature of living creatures as well as the Earth’s own uniqueness (water, the atmosphere, self-regulation and so on), our planet, viewed as a specific “balancing weight” or harbouring creatures capable of influencing the balancing, may possibly be logically thought of as playing an important role for the envisaged goal. (It has to be noted separately that the hypothesis about the uninterrupted existence of the universe does not contradict the idea of earthly world and earthly life creation).

What kinds of mechanisms could be at PrimoElement’s disposal to create order in the fluctuation process except for the mentioned in the first part of the article annihilating specifics of black holes? It is thought that some conveniently effective means of direct influence were not envisaged for it. Yet, it is suggested at the same time that the potential functions of such influence could have been delegated to entities that possess the duality of belonging to both the original PrimoElement and its derivative; the entities that also have the freedom to choose how to act. The human, considered the most advanced kind of material entity, is apparently best suited to such a role.

It has been known for centuries that humans possess dualism in their existence. On one hand, they are materialized substances of their unique oscillating features. On the other hand, they have cognitive thinking and a well-developed multilevel network of sensations implemented via the spirit, feelings, senses, intuition, meditation, and sleep. Having understood these abilities as the means of active contact with the original PrimoElement realized in life through the brain, heart, chakras, and other organs, the author assumes possible to visualize that a serious mission, or the trade if religion terminology is employed, is destined specifically to humans. Thanks to this type of contact, Homo sapiens may seemingly be engaged in the fulfilment of the mission symbolized by effective participation in the appeasement of both global and local movements.

It is necessary to highlight that thoughts and sensitivities, as realizations of contact, are regarded to be the information imprints kept in the original PrimoElement. In such a view, the imprints or reflections could possibly exert some influence on it or simply become freely accessible in it. Due to the exceptional importance of potential effects on PrimoElement’s functionality and because of the probability to become influential or accessible, these substances, perhaps, should always remain at a high quality level, which would not violate fluctuations’ harmonization.

So in respect to means of contact and in general, the quality level is understood by the author as orderly organizing the accumulated PrimoElement during the successive formation of man within lifespan. The degree of each individual’s or human communities’ correspondence to participation in the destined mission is, probably, dependent on the ways and results of this organizing process. The most effective, and therefore preferred, scenario is herein viewed as the social one. The advantages are the chance to act in a coordinated manner as well as the opportunity to acquire necessary experience from one another. The succession in transferring valuable knowledge via upbringing, traditions, education, and participation in good deeds is determined as the path for Homo sapiens to achieve the special utmost stage of evolution. The arsenals of the best experiences accrued by preceding generations and kept as reflections onto the original PrimoElement are always available to them in order to gain expertise and knowledge. This transfer of individual and collective wisdom is regarded as absolutely necessary for the quality transformation. (As one of consequences, this phased way is regarded as directly determining the need for mini-cycles of birth-death. And on a basic consideration level, the known from ancient times idea about the recurrence of history, perhaps, also appears to result from the cyclic nature of fluctuations.)

However, besides the mentioned positive aspects, the social nature of existence has features requiring attention, one of which, perhaps, is involvement in the sphere of materialism, frequently excessive. Considering the seriousness of this trait seems grounded if remembering about the potential influence of the damaging effects of zones of excessive concentration on harmonized fluctuations of any system. Keeping this in mind, people most likely should avoid these types of devotion and involvement. As the only alternative, they should, seemingly, implement their mission through thorough organizing of their being and activities as well as the optimal condition of their environment.

            The task of the coordination of controlling oscillations in the created universe appears to belong to the upper echelon in the hierarchy of the original PrimoElement. Consequently, the upper echelon is understood as the delegating authority of the potential duty to keep fluctuations organized by assigning a connection with it to live entities. The upper echelon is thought to decide when to grant and when to revoke the association with it known as life, to determine and to judge whether the mentioned above delegated potential is realized rightfully and for common benefit. The benefit is common because every live formation is part of the common to everything the original PrimoElement.

In respect to oscillations, it is imperative to pay attention to the uniqueness of the aspect that they can be performed in either ideally-harmonized fashion or in asynchronous-unbalanced manner depending on phases, amplitude ranges, and frequencies. Applicable to a single human or groups of humans, it is quite apparent that their own respective tunings, as well as their equally important influence on the movement of the environment, can be constructive, neutral or destructive for the oscillations.  The tuning is seen as people’s individual personalities, regarding both materialistic and spiritual aspects. When talking about the spirit, the beneficent qualities of kindness, respect, aid, compassion, and care are viewed to be associated with the stabilization of motions.

            The very fact that different objects can have absolutely matching regimes of wavering is considered another distinguishing feature of oscillations. As a rule in any system, such ideal concurrence does happen conditional that harmonization of motion is observed. And when such likeness is really approaching its climax it would then be valid to suggest that the oscillating entities (couples or groups) become cohered. In light of this article’s theme, this commonality in harmonized tuning is understood as the state called love in the human world. At the same time, it is regarded as extremely important when individual or group tweaking closely matches the pacifying harmonics. Consequently, love is thought to be the gift, measure, and tool of participation in the trade. As its complements, the categories of magnificence, such as arts, music, poetry, craft, and the beauty of nature, are seemingly the phenomena that propagate and transfer positive, appeasing vibrations to the environs.


Mankind learned a long time ago about the existence of a formation, named evil, opposite to the uppermost echelon of the original PrimoElement's hierarchy and about the continuous withstanding to the destabilizing intentions of that formation. This conflict is still taking place in our, tangible, world and is intensifying in connection with the expected ultimate curbing of evil. Therefore, the topic of evil takes on ultimate significance in the respect of attempts to expose its main features. Evil’s dual essence, as its main characteristic, is displayed as being the derivative of the original PrimoElement, yet having intensions to prevent the harmonization of its oscillations. Seemingly, the opposite to the upper echelon formation targets first of all humans’ means of contact with the original PrimoElement thus trying to destroy the link with the repository of knowledge and the source of guidance followed then by re-directing humans’ activities to augmenting excessive concentration and poor balancing in the world. Should the link get broken, minds, souls, and bodies would for sure be found trapped in spheres of evil’s influence. It is envisaged that, in contrast with the only pacifying harmonized regime, evil is observed employing, in respect to influence on oscillations, practically unlimited variations of damaging amplitudes, periodicities, and phases. In religious words: “evil has many faces for transformations in order to conceal its essence”.



According to the article’s main idea, oscillations supposedly comprise everything including us people. Taking into account our possibly important function in the process, the concerning question should be “in what manner” do we and our environment fluctuate?

Most likely, the correct answer is to maintain rightful lives tuned to harmonics. At this, Homo sapiens could apparently achieve a resulting level of his evolution conforming to the mission conditional that he would keep the means of contact with the original PrimoElement in purity and would engage them solely for beneficial purposes.